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The 5 Best Compact Umbrellas for Travel, Car, or Purse

The 5 Best Compact Umbrellas for Travel, Car, or Purse

You might not give a lot of thought to the umbrella (or umbrellas) you own until an unexpected storm hits. And there you are, caught inside your car staring at the entrance to your destination.

Rain pouring down.

Shelter yards away.

Let us help you avoid that situation and better prepare you for surprise rain showers or the wintry mix that occasionally arrives this time of year.

We offer these Top 5 compact umbrellas to easily store inside your car or purse. Pack one of these foldable umbrellas in your suitcase for business trips or family vacations.

(Side note: On a trip to Disney in Florida, having one of the best compact umbrellas will be a joy-saver. Surprise rain showers frequently occur in that region and walking through the massive park while soaking wet can be extremely uncomfortable.)

NeverWet’s water-repelling technology enables these portable umbrellas to shed away raindrops and help you stay dry.

NeverWet & Rain Gear

For nearly a century, Totes has been a top supplier of rain gear.

With NeverWet superhydrophobic technology, Totes is the top compact umbrella brand of choice. We’re proud to partner with Totes to help produce foldable umbrellas with super water-repelling benefits.

Totes Mini Umbrella with NeverWet & SunGuard

SunGuard UPF 50+ protection combines with NeverWet superhydrophobic technology to provide huge protection in this mini umbrella.

The sun protection will keep you cooler and block out harmful UV rays, while NeverWet’s invisible coating keeps the rain off.

This compact umbrella is ideal for days of the year when weather unpredictably switches between extreme heat and sudden downpours.

Totes NeverWet Mini Purse Umbrella

This foldable umbrella with NeverWet technology stays 4X dryer than other compact umbrellas. The superhydrophobic technology on this mini purse umbrella reduces the risk of messy, dripping rain falling onto your workstation.

Tuck this mini umbrella inside your purse or briefcase for rain protection whenever it’s needed. This is a lightweight umbrella that’s only 6 inches long when folded. Yet it has an ample canopy of 38 inches for sufficient shelter.

Mini in size. Maxi in rain protection. A looped wrist handle makes it easy to carry while it’s not in use outside of your purse or briefcase.

Totes Auto Open Compact Umbrella

NeverWet rain-repelling technology works a lot like a lotus leaf in its ability to repel water and also keep dirt off its surface. This compact umbrella with NeverWet is super durable, keeps you dry, and prevents the dripping mess/aftermath that other umbrellas cause.

Rain rolls off so there are no “leftover” drops to soak surfaces when you go to store away the compact umbrella.

The auto-open umbrella comes in two styles: a J-shaped handle with button activation or a flat grip with a wrist loop so you can easily carry it.  While not small enough to fit inside a purse, this compact umbrella is only 36 inches long and its canopy is an ample 46 inches.

Totes Titan Auto Open & Close

This compact umbrella is small and mighty. It’s a handy, easy-to-open umbrella fortified with NeverWet’s superhydrophobic technology.

Keep this in your tote or purse or as a compact travel umbrella. It weighs less than a pound yet windproof (withstands winds up to 70mph), water-repellent, and provides a 41-inch canopy when opened.

This one’s going to be a favorite travel companion. This is the compact umbrella you want when you’re walking through the windy cities of Chicago or San Fran.

SunGuard Auto Open Close Umbrella

One push of a button activates this compact umbrella that has the benefit of NeverWet water repellency and SunGuard’s UPF protection.

When you’re done using this, one push of the button closes it. Super easy!

This small umbrella folds to just 11 inches for easy storage.

Check out other NeverWet partners and product uses.



Posted 01/22/2021 in news